But, as a seeker of hidden truths, I can almost assure you that this level of iniquity goes much higher than that. Earth, like many other "evolutionary worlds" is a playground for the whimsical delight and amusement of "the gods". And what is a "god"? Nothing more than an ancient, twisted, powerful, psychotic being with virtually unlimited power. But it's a power that will eventually be unseated by the combined power of countless good people who will one day dethrone these tyrants and restore the natural order to the cosmos.
How do I know that this planet is ruled by hate? Here's an example from my own life. The names in the following true story have been withheld for obvious reasons but this is a revelation that needs to surface before me and my 81-year-old widowed mother can begin our next journey in the cosmos. I cannot allow her to leave this Earth without some justice for the cruel acts committed against her. Having one parent leave this wicked world bewildered and betrayed was enough. That will never happen again as long as I live and breathe. I owe them that much.
Back in the 1980s my mother and father wanted to buy a piece of property to develop in their retired years, at their leisure, and they found that the owner of this property was willing to sell it to them. So, my parents — against their better judgment, but trusting this buyer — took out a second mortgage on their treasured Dauphin County home and borrowed the money to buy this envisioned "retirement property".
Then the day came for the buyers and the seller to meet and finalize the transfer of property. My parents drove over two hours, one-way, that day to meet the seller who, without any regard whatsoever for the welfare of my mother and father, changed his mind, backing out the deal, and leaving my parents holding a second mortgage and their horrifying outrage.
I know for a fact that this seller betrayed my parents deliberately because he hated my father. I know this because this man told me many, many times — right to my face — that he hated my father (and this guy knows why he got away with his cruel remarks). So, his mustered power of hatred was enough to destroy the futures of two individuals who never did anything to him in their entire lives. This was a cruel, deliberate, evil act of hatred perpetrated upon my parents by someone we've known all our lives.
When my father died in 1995, leaving my widowed mother with a staggering grief that was inconsolable for the next several years, she was also faced with a staggering "balloon payment" on her house, a monthly mortgage payment that was so large she was forced to put her house on the real estate market. I gave up my Harrisburg apartment and moved in with her because she didn't drive and could not possibly be alone. Then I left my place of employment after seven years (the highest-paying job I've ever had but one that was being phased out anyway and after which I could have successfully interviewed for other ones) and moved her "back home" to Snow Shoe (via Clarence for three years) where we now live in a rented house and where we barely make a go of things as our mutual health steadily declines.
To make things worse, this hateful seller, who betrayed us all (my father, my mother and me), is considered, unimaginably, to be one of the "good guys" in this world by some of those closest to us. How do we know this? Because my mother and I had to eat these words at our own kitchen table from the mouths of people once close to us, who betrayed us as well. That's right, my widowed mother and I ate hateful shit by the bucketful from our own people who couldn't care less that this single, hateful person, in a single, willful act of hate, destroyed the long-awaited future of my mother and father.
There is no forgiveness for such acts of hate. If you people finally realize who you are, it is to your advantage to stay away from my mother, who's been betrayed enough. And, most of all, you will not want to see the formidable side of me who will, without hesitation, defend my mother and myself against your evil, hateful presence in our lives. My own horrified outrage from being betrayed over and over again by those closest to me is enormous but I've put that "on hold" for now because my mother comes first. When good people bearing the truth combine forces and confront evil and hate, face-to-face, the power of hate doesn't stand a chance.