Yesterday, Windows Live alerted me to the fact that my blog A Portrait of the Author as an Old Man would have to be transferred to WordPress or else deleted and that time was running out. So, naturally, I let them transfer it to WordPress. Then I found out that about half the old posts made no sense because they mentioned Science Fiction for Windows Live, my Windows Live Space, which was no longer available. The only thing left at Windows Live was my profile and two photo albums and they looked pathetic and exiled without a blog to anchor them. So, I deleted them. Now I have nothing at Windows Live except an account I can't get rid of.
Then I discovered that blogging at WordPress was far too difficult and confusing for an old fart like me. So I deleted this blog there and started it all over again from scratch at Blogger because I forgot to save the old postings in a word document on my computer. Then I discovered that I couldn't delete my unwanted WordPress account, either. Hmmm. There ought to be a law.
Later, people, when I have something interesting to write about.
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